Lionel |
Episode 1: 1938 - 1942, 00 Gauge
- NYC 4-6-4 Schlepptenderlok in 2 Versionen
- 4 Güterwagen
Episode 2: 1957 - 1967, H0 Gauge
Hersteller dieser Modelle sind:
Rivarossi (Italien)
Athearn (USA)
Bachmann (USA)
Übernahme einiger Modelle aus dem Verkauf von Hobbyline (USA)
Episode 3: 1974 - 1977, H0 Gauge
Hersteller dieser Modelle sind Lionel (USA), Airfix (Großbritannien), London Plastics (Kanada), Roco (Österreich), Pola (West Deutschland), Kader (Hongkong, Taiwan).
Episode 4: 1998 - 1999, 00 Gauge: Hallmark Great American Railways
Diese Miniaturen von Hallmark sind verkleinerte Reproduktionen von Lionel Spur 0 Modellen passend für Spur 00.
Hallmark Great American Railwaysund andere Lionel Memorabilien ...
Episode 5: 2003 - 2004 wieder H0 Modelle
- Train Collectors Encyclopedia; Self published 1969
- Lionel's Standard Gauge Era; Carstens Publications Inc 1987
- Toy Trains of Yesteryear; Carstens Publications Inc 1987
- Lionel Trains; Train Collectors Association 1989
- Lionel; Greenberg 1990
- Lionel - A Collector's Guide and History, Volume 1; Chilton Book Company 1993
- Lionel - A Collector's Guide and History, Volume 2; Chilton Book Company 1993
- Lionel - A Collector's Guide and History, Volume 3; Chilton Book Company 1993
- Lionel - A Collector's Guide and History, Volume 4; Chilton Book Company 1993
- Lionel - A Collector's Guide and History, Volume 5; Chilton Book Company 1993
- Lionel - A Collector's Guide and History, Volume 6; Chilton Book Company 1993
- Lionel H0, Volume 1: 1957-1966; Greenberg 1993
- Lionel H0, Volume 2: 1974-1977; Greenberg 1993
- Lionel Trains 1901 - 1942, Volume III: Accessories; Greenberg Publishing Company 1993
- Lionel Trains 1901 - 1942, Volume I: Standard and 2 7/8'' Gauge; Greenberg Books 1994
- America's Standard Gauge Electric Trains; Antique Trader Books 1998
- Lionel's Model Builder; Kalmbach Books 1998
- The Jerry Poch Train Collection; Bill Bertoia Auctions 1999
- All Aboard!: The Story of Joshua Lionel Cowen & His Lionel Train Company; Workman Pr 2000
- Lionel; MBI Publishing Company 2000
- The Jerry Poch Train Collection; Bill Bertoia Auctions 2000
- Lionel Trains 1901 - 1942, Volume II: 0 and 00 Gauges; Kalmbach Books 2001
- Classic Lionel Trains; MBI Publishing Company 2002
- Lionel; Friedman/Fairfax/Ziccardi 2002
- The Art of Lionel Trains; Kalmbach Books 2003
- Big Book of Lionel; MBI Publishing Company 2004
- Legendary Lionel Trains; Kalmbach Books 2004
- Lionel's Postwar Operating Cars; Project Roar Publishing 2005
- Lionel Trains 1945-1969; Krause Publications 2006
- Classic 0-Gauge Trains; Krause Publications 2007
- Lionel Train Sets; Krause Publications 2007
- Postwar Lionel Trains 1945-1969; Krause Publications 2007
- Prewar Lionel Trains 1900-1942; Krause Publications 2007
- Inside the Lionel Trains Fun Factory; Project Roar Publishing 2008
- Lionel Trains 1900 - 1942; Krause Publications 2008
- Lionel Trains 1970-2000; Krause Publications 2008
- Lionel Consumer Catalog Digital Archive 1925 - 1942; HSL 2009
- Lionel Consumer Catalog Digital Archive 1970 - 1995; HSL 2009
- Toy Trains; HSL 2009
- 101 Classic Toy Trains; Kalmbach Books 2010
- Lionel Magazine 1930 - 1936; HSL 2010
- Model Builder 1937 - 1943; HSL 2010
- Model Builder 1944 - 1949; HSL 2010
- Lionel Consumer Catalog Digital Archive 1900 - 1924; HSL 2011
- Lionel Consumer Catalog Digital Archive 1945 - 1969; HSL 2013
- Lionel Trains Standard and 2 7/8" Gauges; Brinkmann Publishing LLC 2014
- Classic Toy Trains; Kalmbach Publishing Co 2015
- Old Windup Trains; CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2016
- Collectible Lionel Classics; Kalmbach Books 2017
- Lionel Trains 0 Gauge, Volume 1; Brinkmann Publishing LLC 2017
- White Street; Hermitage Press 2018
- Toying with Reality; Blurb 2019
- Lionel Trains 0 Gauge, Volume 2; Brinkmann Publishing LLC 2021
- Einpoliges Anschlußsystem und künstlicher Dampf; Modellbahnen-Welt, 60/1948, S. 10-14
- The "Rail Chief"; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 10/3 (July 1964), S. 9-11
- The Classic NYC S1 Electric; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 12/1 (January 1966), S. 8-9,13
- Identifying Tinplate Catalogs - LIONEL CATALOG COVERS, 1903-1950; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 14/1 (January 1968), S. 14-19
- THE "HUDSON"!; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 15/1 (January 1969), S. 3-5,11
- An Addendum On THE "HUDSON"!; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 15/2 (April 1969), S. 12-13
- Committee for the Certification of Catalog Reproductions; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 20/3 (Summer 1974), S. 12-14
- The wacky world of Lionel 00; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 23/4 (Summer 1977), S. 22-23,30
- The Steam Streamliner; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 24/4 (Summer 1978), S. 7-9
- The ever popular GG 1; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 24/4 (Summer 1978), S. 10-13,28
- Postscript on 00; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 24/5 (Fall 1978), S. 9-11
- Identifying Lionel "00" Scale; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 28/4 (July 1982), S. 34-35
- Coupons, Catalogs, & Cut-outs, Part I - 1945-1947; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 30/1 (January 1984), S. 24-32
- Coupons, Catalogs, & Cut-outs, Part II - Lionel in 1948 and 1949 - The Glory Years; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 31/1 (January 1985), S. 31-37
- Coupons, Catalogs, & Cut-outs, Part III - 1950 - The Year of the Golden Anniversary; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 32/1 (January 1986), S. 29-35
- A History of American "00" Gauge; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 32/5 (October 1986), S. 26-31
- Coupons, Catalogs, & Cut-outs, Part IV - 1951 and 1952 - Success and Crisis; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 33/2 (April 1987), S. 9-18
- Coupons, Catalogs, & Cut-outs, Part V - 1953 and 1954 - The Return to Normallity; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 34/1 (January 1988), S. 11-19
- Coupons, Catalogs, & Cut-outs, Part VI - 1955 - CREATIVE MARKETING OR VOODOO SALESMANSHIP?; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 35/1 (January 1989), S. 6-15
- Coupons, Catalogs, & Cut-outs, Part VII - 1956 - More Tricks ans a few Treats; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 36/1 (January 1990), S. 26-35
- Coupons, Catalogs, & Cut-outs, Part VIII - 1957 - Super "0", and Pink Locomotives. Can "HO" Save the Faltering Giant?; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 37/1 (January 1991), S. 22-31
- Lionel - Scalextric, Part 1; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 37/2 (April 1991), S. 13-15
- Coupons, Catalogs, & Cut-outs, Part IX - 1958 - Rockets, ICBM's, and More "HO", and What The Heck Is a "Pantagraph Diesel?"; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 38/1 (January 1992), S. 22-32
- Lionel - Scalextric, Part 2; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 38/4 (July 1992), S. 4-7
- A New Catalog is Discovered - Lionel at the Dawn of the 20th Century; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 38/5 (October 1992), S. 4-6
- Coupons, Catalogs, & Cut-outs, Part X - 1959 - One last Effort before the Deluge; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 39/1 (January 1993), S. 4-14
- From McGinnis To Mickey - The New Haven EP-5 in 12", 1/4 " and 3/16" Scale!; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 40/4 (July 1994), S. 20-26
- Atomic Toy Trains; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 45/3 (July 1999), S. 9-15
- Lionel H0; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 49/4 (October 2003), S. 36
- British Cousins; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 49/4 (October 2003), S. 4
- British Cousins Update; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 51/1 (January 2005), S. 9
- Servicing A Lionel 700e Scale Hudson; Tinplate Times, Spring/2006, S. 1
- I'm the Grand-Daddy of Them All; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 52/4 (October 2006), S. 4-7
- Trolleys were Big at Lionel; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 52/4 (October 2006), S. 7-9
- Lionel Sets The New Standard; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 52/4 (October 2006), S. 9-11
- Reflectiong on the Classics; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 53/1 (January 2007), S. 4
- Lionel Classic Period; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 53/1 (January 2007), S. 10-13
- The Brute stops here; Classic Toy Trains, 5/2007, S. 64-67
- Les trains Lionel; Jouets de Collection, 18/2007, S. 6-13
- Lionel et le train miniature américain; Antiquités practique, 7/2011, S. 12-17
- Scale-Craft 00 Models in the 1938 Lionel Catalog; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 58/2 (April 2012), S. 12-17
- Australian Robilt and American Lionel Meet; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 59/4 (October 2013), S. 26-29
- The First Lionel 381; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 60/2 (April 2014), S. 17-19
- Lionel, les plus belles locomotives; CFE Bulletin, No. 113 (Juin 2014), S. 3-6
- Lionel, wagons et voitures; CFE Bulletin, No. 114 (Septembre 2014), S. 5-8
- Lionel: les plus beaux accessoires; CFE Bulletin, No. 115 (Decembre 2014), S. 11-14
- American 00 Gauge; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 61/4 (October 2015), S. 22-23
- Prototype Identification - A DeLightful Story?; Train Collector, No. 39 (June 2016), S. 15-18
- Lionel's "Standard Gauge"; Tinplate Forum, 31/2017, S. 1-4
- Reichsautobahn gab es nur bei Tipp & Co.; Tinplate Forum, 31/2017, S. 1-12
- LIONEL 255-260-263 Locomotives Part 1 of 2; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 64/3 (July 2018), S. 16-18
- The Iconic Athearn HUSTLER; HO Collector, 3/2018, S. 28-41
- Lionel H0 for the Ages; HO Collector, 4/2018, S. 38-45
- LIONEL 255-260-263 Locomotives Part 2 of 2; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 64/4 (October 2018), S. 10-11
- Household Names; HRCA Journal, No 554 (June-July 2020), S. 15-18
- Mickey Mouse Handcar, Lionel; HTS Forum, 1/2021, S. 1-14
- Lionel 1909 - 1913 History; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 67/4 (October 2021), S. 28-29
- "Düsenjäger" auf der Schiene!; HTS Forum, 1/2021A, S. 1-12
- Lionel's First 0 Gauge; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 68/1 (January 2022), S. 32
- Lionel Catalog Queens or missing proposed Mock-ups? Part I; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 68/3 (July 2022), S. 26-28
- Moving Livestock on your Layout; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 68/4 (October 2022), S. 8-13
- Lionel Catalog Queens or missing proposed Mock-ups? Part II; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 68/4 (October 2022), S. 36-37
- Lionel catalog queens or missing proposed mock-ups? Part II; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 68/4 (October 2022), S. 36-37
- Prewar Lionel Outfits Actually Working on a Railroad; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 69/2 (April 2023), S. 11-19
- Lionel 3376 and 3386 Operating Giraffe Cars; Train Collectors Quarterly, Vol. 69/2 (April 2023), S. 20-21
- Sex, Drugs und eine Modellbahn; HTS Forum, 3/2023, S. 1-8
- The 700E versus 700K LIONEL Locomotive: An Adventure at the TCA York Meet with Basket Cases; Train Collector, No. 66 (March 2023), S. 37-38